An interesting irony is that the Orthodox Church, adhered to by the majority of Cypriots, was severely persecuted by the Venetian Catholics and probably owes its survival in Cyprus to the relative religious tolerance of the Ottomans.
The Orthodox Church of Cyprus is one of the oldest autocephalous eastern churches, its independence recognised as early as 431 AD. However, although there’s even a translation of the Bible into the Scots dialect of English, we’re not aware of any translation into Cypriot. And if you think we’re going to sit down and do it, gatse berimene (you’ll be lucky)! Perhaps an intrepid compatriot will attempt such a translation one day. And, assuming it hasn’t been done either, maybe someone will also translate the Koran into Cypriot or Gibrizlija.
In the mean time, here’s a start on the Bible with the Cypriot Academy’s translations of the Lord’s Prayer and Ten Commandments into Cypriot, written using the Latin alphabet in the style developed by the Cypriot Academy. The traditional English texts are also shown though it should be noted that the Cypriot translations are based on the biblical Greek.
Lord’s Prayer
Ten Commandments
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